Hi, I’m Frank, a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne majored in biomedical engineering. My current research is about smart orthopedic implant design. Biomechanical property study and embedded system design are two cores of my project. I have a master's degree in vehicle engineering followed by a two-year embedded software engineering experience of VCU(Vehicle Controll Unit) design. I enjoy working on various tech projects, including 3D printing, NFC, IoT, and web development.
ESP32 Camera Streaming Project
Django-based Web Applications
GPS based on ESP32 S3
NFC Reader design for Android
NFC ISO15693 transponder design
Check out my latest blog posts on my thoughts and experiments in technology and software development!
Kangaroos are everywhere.
It is good, but...
One of the four famous markets at Melb
Email: frankliumelb@example.com